World Air Games 2015 Dubai - Parachuting - Canopy Piloting

zur Homepage: Björn Korth

Competition Overview

competition jump Round / Manifest Scores Status
1st jump 1st ACC manifest 1st Accuracy official
2nd jump 2nd ACC manifest 2nd Accuracy official
3rd jump 1st DIS manifest 1st Distance official
4th jump 3rd ACC manifest 3rd Accuracy official
5th jump 2nd DIS manifest 2nd Distance official
6th jump 1st SPE manifest 1st Speed official
7th jump 2nd SPE manifest 2nd Speed official
8th jump 3rd DIS manifest 3rd Distance official
9th jump 3rd SPE manifest 3rd Speed official
10th jump 1st FST manifest 1st Freestyle official
11th jump 2nd FST manifest 2nd Freestyle official
12th jump 3rd FST manifest 3rd Freestyle official


Competitors list incl. canopy colors ordered by nation, the by names.

Live results:
Rotating Rankings WAG standard event
Updating Ranking WAG Freestyle Event


shows the rankings of the different competitions order top down. Until the confirmation of the chief judge all shown data is considered unofficial. Informational purpose only. Incomplete data and mistakes may occur.

World Air Games 2015 Dubai - Parachuting - Canopy Piloting
Combined ranking (PDF)
Combined Team ranking (PDF)
Speed ranking (PDF)
Accuracy ranking (PDF)
Distance ranking (PDF)
Freestyle ranking (PDF)

Detailed scores

shows the detailed scores of the rounds ordered by the jumpsorder. Until the confirmation of the chief judge all shown data is considered unofficial. Informational purpose only. Incomplete data and mistakes may occur.

Pro class and Advanced class

WAG exitorder SPEED exitorder ACCURACY exitorder DISTANCE exitorder FREESTYLE
Round 1 1st SPE manifest 1st Speed 1st ACC manifest 1st Accuracy 1st DIS manifest 1st Distance 1st FST manifest 1st Freestyle
Round 2 2nd SPE manifest 2nd Speed 2nd ACC manifest 2nd Accuracy 2nd DIS manifest 2nd Distance 2nd FST manifest 2nd Freestyle
Round 3 3rd SPE manifest 3rd Speed 3rd ACC manifest 3rd Accuracy 3rd DIS manifest 3rd Distance 3rd FST manifest 3rd Freestyle


Björn Korth
Am Schwarzen Meer 71
28205 Bremen
Telefon +49(179)7039139
Email Björn Korth